Lange Eng is a co-housing community in Albertslund, which is part of Greater Copenhagen, Denmark. Lange Eng has 54 houses and apartments, and more than 100 adults and 100 children live here.
Lange Eng is an unusual place for normal people.
We have a large community house with an industrial-sized kitchen, a dining hall seating almost all of us (a rare occassion, luckily), play areas, lounge & café, 20-seater cinema with HD-projector. The garden, which is accessible from every living unit, is also for everyone, and has playgrounds, campfire as well as private patios.
We cook and serve dinner on all evenings but Saturday. On any evening you can choose to enjoy dinner with your neighbours in the community house, or you can choose the take-away option and bring the food back to your own house for a more quiet family dinner. Families only pay for the dinners they eat. Regardless of frequency, all adults have to take their stint working in the kitchen every six weeks, for two-three consecutive days.
The result: We have optimized the time consuming part of everyday life, enabling us to concentrate on doing the things we love, as a community, as families and as individuals. It works.
We would love to tell you more. Take a tour of Lange Eng by looking at the photos on this website and get in touch if you want to come by and visit us.
Bofælleshuset Lange Eng
Lange Eng 1
DK-2620 Albertslund
Email if you want to visit us: kd.gneegnal @ofni